dijous, 13 de desembre del 2007


Santa Claus

1.- What colour is Santa's suit?

2.- What is Santa's lead reindeer called?

3.- What do the reindeer pull for Santa Claus?

4.- What colour are Santa's boots?

5.- What night does Santa come?

6.- How does Santa get into the house?

7.- What does Santa carry the toys in?

8.- What do children hang up for Santa to put the toys in?

9.- If you are a bad boy or girl, what does Santa bring you for Christmas?

10.-Who helps Santa to make toys at the North Pole?

Christmas Traditions

1.- What bird is cooked for Christmas dinner?
2.- Where are the presents kept before opening them?
3.- What is hung outside on the door
4.- What kind of songs are sung?
5.- Before electricity, these were put on the trees?
6.- What is a common four letter abbreviation of Christmas?
7.- What plant with red berries is used for decorations?
8.- What do you kiss under?
9.- What kind of calender is opened by children leading up to Christmas?
10.- What are pulled at the table?

11 comentaris:

Anònim ha dit...

oH My goD it'a so difficult Iolandaa, the exercises!!


and happy new yearrr! :-)

Anònim ha dit...


merry christmas and happy new year :)

be careful with the chocolates!

lots of kisses pretty ^^

annabeeeeeeeeel :)

Anònim ha dit...

merry christmas and happy new year =)


Anònim ha dit...

yoliiii :)

merry christmaaas, and happy new year!

a lot of chocolate kisses. ^^


Anònim ha dit...

Hi Yolanda!!
The exercises are a bit difficult! :P

merry christmas and happy new year!! :)


Anònim ha dit...

Hiii yolanda!! ^-^
Merry Xmas
and a Happy New Year!!

Anònim ha dit...

yolanda :)

happy new year!
be careful with alcohol and the Spanish nougat.

kisses. marinaa

Anònim ha dit...

yolaandaaa pivooona:)

we wish you a happy new year and a lot of boyfriends for this new year.

kiss and hugs =)

Anònim ha dit...

yolaandaaa pivooona:)

we wish you a happy new year and a lot of boyfriends for this new year.


Anònim ha dit...

naucil veliko

Anònim ha dit...

yolanda, bon any nou i creqe qe t'has passat amb els deures :p